Everything in business has evolved in the past 100 years.

Except two things:

How organizations are structured and….

how accountability is managed inside them.

It’s time for those to evolve too.

Over a hundred years ago when companies started to scale in size, they had to figure out how to organize everyone and how to manage accountability when things went wrong. In response, they adopted the military model:

Generals/CEOs at the top,
Officers/Management next,
then Soldiers/Front Line employees,
and finally, The Enemy/Customers.

This model worked in the old days when the world moved slower and specialization and centralized decision-making made sense. But the world has changed and even the military has figured out it has to change how it manages accountability.

Most business organizations have not. But there is a solution.

The answer lies in your ability to create accountable teams.

The team is accountable to meeting the needs of their customers (internal, external or both). When expectations are not met, they take responsibility for fixing the issues.

(No more micromanagement required!)

With teams aligned along work flows and not between silos, it puts employees in a position where they can truly work together to achieve organizational results.

(Everybody Wins)

I learned how to make accountable teams a reality during my 20+ year working career in the corporate world. For the past 15 years I have been helping leaders and organizations transform their businesses by doing the same thing. If you are willing to break down the behaviors that lead to inefficiencies inside organizations, I can help you chart a course to creating functional and accountable teams. While the underlying principles remain the same, every organization is unique. Together we will develop a solution based on your current challenges. If you are interested in discussing further, please complete the information below.


Creating and Leading Accountable Teams Training/Consulting

Organizational Design

Leadership Coaching and Development

Strategic and Operational Planning

Offsite and Keynote Speaking

Get the book

If you want to develop a quick insight into some of the principles behind creating accountable teams, you can find them in my book Revolutionize Teamwork.  Published as a part of Simple Truth’s Ignite Read series, it is a quick read which will unlock the secrets you need to create and lead accountable teams.

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